
Thursday 24 June 2010

love management

How to manage love , written in the Quran
(surah At-Taubah : ayat 24)

Katakanlah, `Jika bapak-bapakmu, anak-anakmu , saudara-saudaramu , istri-istrimu , keluargamu , harta kekayaan yang kamu usahakan , perdagangan yang kamu khuwatirkan kerugiannya , dan rumah - rumah tempat tinggal yang kamu sukai , lebih kamu cintai daripada Allah dan Rasul-Nya, maka tunggulah sampai Allah memberikan keputusaNya.` Dan Allah tidak memberi petunjuk kepada org2 fasik

human beings are created with heart , feelings , emotion , spirit.. not forgetting love. to love n to be loved..
of course everyone has someone or things dat they luv in life... but which one comes to priority 1st? who would be in the highest rank and then , next and next.. Allah has taught how to conduct feelings of luv in At-Taubah.. realizing that all this while I might not be following this love order ,  felt so horibble.  i know Allah loves me very much that He gives me Islam , He gives me health , He gives me parents who take care of me so so so well , He still gives me breath so dat I can fix back my love management a person full of humiliation but i dun wan to waste Allah`s luv which is Most Precious one.nobody can challenge His luv.. i pray to Allah so that He will strengthened my stance


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