
Saturday 7 August 2010


juz now kol mak.. had a chat cm biase n mak storied to me bout wut happened two days ago.. meter letrik kt umh ad problem and it turn into a small blast of fire. at dat tyme mak went to work while ayah was praying duha n so on, around 8 sumtim i supposed.. ayah didnt realized dat the letrik meter wire was burnin.. atas kuasa Allah the fire didnt spread wild but it end up itam2 at da ceiling, dats wut mak told me.. n due to that electricity for da whole row of houses tripped off.. a neighbour of ours who had seen the fire burnin came to see my father to told bout da fire my father hadnot realized.. mak said adek blajaq eletrical mesti tau pasai menda2 semua ni.. huhh.. the fact is i dn really noe.. i studied for xm , tyme stdy only gune akal x gune bile abeh xm, igtan pn da lupe.. but when u studied ngn hati , even exam da abeh pon.. mende tu sntiasa tersemat dlm hati...
same thing goes to al quran.. bile baca al quran ngn hati , memahami ayat2 dlm al quran tu barulah buley feel deen itu.. now feelin worried coz mak is alone in da ouse, ayah has gone to batu pahat for his sport thing.. really pray to god that mak is safe in da ouse.. pas abeh cakap ngn mak, sempat baca surah yasin pray for her far far away from her but that`s da only i can give her.... anak yg solehah is da best present to give to our parents.....

muqadimmah fil zil quran ; tiada kebetulan yg membuta tuli di muka bumi ini

Thursday 29 July 2010

pembela agama Allah x lemah!

exam diz monday..all together ade 10 papers.. huhu..n many more to study dat may things clumsy..
i must fight fight fight!!!!!  demi Allah demi agamaNya demi shahadah yg diucap

Tuesday 27 July 2010

ambillah dunia setakat yg cukup..

Hmm..  y there r rich n poor people in diz world. Where as islam tu suh kite adil, samarata.. Samarata pe bendenye kalo ad org kaya org miskin n lg worst org yg ditindas, kena tipu .. Tau x tyme zaman khalifah umar al aziz x dak sorg pon yg layak dapat zakat..NOT EVEN ONE PERSON OKAY!!!!! .. Do u get me. Y ? Coz sume org cukup mkn cukup pakai tyme tu.. Barulah peace... Xyah nk g ragut, rompak sana sini.. Y sume org bule cukup makan, cukup pakai?? Sbb mereka mengambil islam fully 100% .. Apa islam suh wat? Islam suh kita amik dunia hanya secukupnya sahaja.. Agree wif me?.. Bila da amek secukupnya, ikot perintah Allah barulah berkat tu akan dtg.. Bila berkat da dtg, kerja jadi pak guard skali ponnnn ur life would be perfect.. Xd susah hati nya.. Trust Allah .. Allah kn da ckp rezeki kita semua ni da tetap tau x .. Abeh tu kalo da tetap, watpa kita kena p keja? Sbb Allah suh kita ibadah.. Setiap prbuatan yg dimulai dgn nama Allah adlh IBADAH.. one more Allah ckp x igt surah no bape Die kate selagi kita ni brrnyawa , peruntukan bhgn rezeki kita ni terjamin.. Hey people Allah da guarantee da tu.. REMEMBER Allah jadikan kita kt bumi sbb ad tugas2 yg kita wajib buat.. N will be Questioned inside grave nanti.. Kitalah yg kene kembalikan hak2 org miskin yg xdpt hak mereka.. Kita maybe bukan PM or any minister but we r still KHALIFAH!!! Igtlah shahadah yg kita dok sebut dlm solat 5 kali sehari.. Mencari duet, kekayaan bukan matlamat org islam.. Tu matlamat taghut.. Wallahualam

pasai ayat yg Allah guarantee rezeki manusia ad dlm surah Hud ayat 6

`dan tidak ada satu pun makhluk bergerak(bernyawa ) di bumi melainkan semuanya dijamin Allah rezekinya.Dia mengetahui tempat kediamannya dan tempat penyimpanannya. Semua(tertulis) dalam Kitab yang nyata (Lauh Mahfuz)`

Thursday 8 July 2010


 ~yesterday`s circle~
بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
إِنَّآ أَعۡطَيۡنَـٰكَ ٱلۡكَوۡثَرَ (١) فَصَلِّ لِرَبِّكَ وَٱنۡحَرۡ (٢) إِنَّ شَانِئَكَ هُوَ ٱلۡأَبۡتَرُ (٣)
 sunnguh,Kami telah memberimu nikmat yang banyak(1)maka laksanakanlah salat kerana Tuhanmu dan berkurbanlah (sebagai ibadah dan mendekatkan diri kepada Allah)(2).sungguh org2 yg membencimu dialah yg terputus (dari rahmat Allah)(3)

wut`s da meanin of kautsar?..has 2 meanin
1) of a well, this well is mentioned in a hadith dat whoever drinks water from da well wont feel thirsty forever... (not sure riwayat sape, maybe bule check it up later)

2)lots of grace/abundance @ nikmat yg banyak

pay more attention at da 2nd meanin as it will be `peeled` korekara.. :)

point 1 : y diturunkan?
Quraisy people believe a son plays very important role in their tribe(kabilah)..due to dis, a  son@anak lelaki becomes a symbol of pride in Quraisy society...when Rasulullah s.a.w lost his two son , da Quraisy happily laughed , insulted , condemned him as he had lost his heir...
Allah swt wants to tear da sadness from Rasulullah , so Allah persuaded him by emphasizin in ayat 1 , dat Allah has given u,Muhammad lots of dun be sad

point 2:
even though we`re in the deepest sadness , prayer/ibadah should be performed,never strong..(hanya dengan meningati Allah hati akan mnjadi tenang)

point 3:
Allah persuade lagi Rasullullah..heir isnt by blood, but by iman

moral of da story : 
dlm surah ni , not only to Nabi je.. but to whoever who lost precious things in life , Allah nk pujuk kite jgn sedey2 ... think of many more nikmat dat He has given to you.. perhaps there are some nikmat dat has bigger value rather than the thing dat u has lose one..(nikmat terbesar is iman,islam i suppose).. besnye Allah yg pujuk2 :)

Thursday 1 July 2010

lesson from life

wut a miserable evening.. huhh many said dat im da kelam kabut one..yes even i acknowledge myself..
perhaps got dis gene from my mother is a very very calm one..
hmm.. had learnt one thing today..
next tyme think wisely before u do or talk sumtin
mingle with different type / level of people as it open up ur mind/level of thinking so dat u could cope urself in wutever situation ( wif dis u wont fool urself)

Thursday 24 June 2010

love management

How to manage love , written in the Quran
(surah At-Taubah : ayat 24)

Katakanlah, `Jika bapak-bapakmu, anak-anakmu , saudara-saudaramu , istri-istrimu , keluargamu , harta kekayaan yang kamu usahakan , perdagangan yang kamu khuwatirkan kerugiannya , dan rumah - rumah tempat tinggal yang kamu sukai , lebih kamu cintai daripada Allah dan Rasul-Nya, maka tunggulah sampai Allah memberikan keputusaNya.` Dan Allah tidak memberi petunjuk kepada org2 fasik

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Trinity College,Dublin .... luv da background scene.. so ancient