
Thursday 8 July 2010


 ~yesterday`s circle~
بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
إِنَّآ أَعۡطَيۡنَـٰكَ ٱلۡكَوۡثَرَ (١) فَصَلِّ لِرَبِّكَ وَٱنۡحَرۡ (٢) إِنَّ شَانِئَكَ هُوَ ٱلۡأَبۡتَرُ (٣)
 sunnguh,Kami telah memberimu nikmat yang banyak(1)maka laksanakanlah salat kerana Tuhanmu dan berkurbanlah (sebagai ibadah dan mendekatkan diri kepada Allah)(2).sungguh org2 yg membencimu dialah yg terputus (dari rahmat Allah)(3)

wut`s da meanin of kautsar?..has 2 meanin
1) of a well, this well is mentioned in a hadith dat whoever drinks water from da well wont feel thirsty forever... (not sure riwayat sape, maybe bule check it up later)

2)lots of grace/abundance @ nikmat yg banyak

pay more attention at da 2nd meanin as it will be `peeled` korekara.. :)

point 1 : y diturunkan?
Quraisy people believe a son plays very important role in their tribe(kabilah)..due to dis, a  son@anak lelaki becomes a symbol of pride in Quraisy society...when Rasulullah s.a.w lost his two son , da Quraisy happily laughed , insulted , condemned him as he had lost his heir...
Allah swt wants to tear da sadness from Rasulullah , so Allah persuaded him by emphasizin in ayat 1 , dat Allah has given u,Muhammad lots of dun be sad

point 2:
even though we`re in the deepest sadness , prayer/ibadah should be performed,never strong..(hanya dengan meningati Allah hati akan mnjadi tenang)

point 3:
Allah persuade lagi Rasullullah..heir isnt by blood, but by iman

moral of da story : 
dlm surah ni , not only to Nabi je.. but to whoever who lost precious things in life , Allah nk pujuk kite jgn sedey2 ... think of many more nikmat dat He has given to you.. perhaps there are some nikmat dat has bigger value rather than the thing dat u has lose one..(nikmat terbesar is iman,islam i suppose).. besnye Allah yg pujuk2 :)


Anonymous said...

tan.. ak link blog ko dkat blog aku...
aik..bkn ke hari tu ak ade komen dkt post neh.. hilang dh? huuu

di@ment said...

ko ad post comment ke kt cn? xd pape pon.. ko komen pe? hehe

Anonymous said...

i said i love ur post, keep it up! hehe

di@ment said...

hihi.. insyaAllah

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